Loris Malaguzzi:

"Essential characteristics of the pedagogical and cultural choices we have taken as our axiological design are: constant reflection on children’s existential situation (…); identification of responses to children’s formative and enculturation needs (…), responses which require the most active participation of families and wide-reaching political and public solidarity; a definition of open pedagogical and educational planning which is constantly in the phase of updating (…) for children’s formative wholeness, more complete self-possession and greater enjoyment of knowledge processes – through research, connecting facts, and the relations between action and languages (verbal and non-verbal)."
Social Management, 1984

1920-2020: Loris Malaguzzi

Loris Malaguzzi is a central figure in the Reggio Emilia Approach®. Together with the municipality, and several local administrators and citizens, particularly women, he contributed to building Reggio Emilia’s network of municipal preschools and infant-toddler centres and developing the Reggio Emilia Approach® educational project.

100 languages

The poem “No Way. The Hundred Is There” is a manifesto of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Written by Loris Malaguzzi it voices the idea, central to this educational philosophy, that children are bearers of a hundred languages.

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